Ghassan Shahzad

μηδείς ἀγεωμέτρητος εἰσίτω μου τὴν στέγην.

What is this?

This website is an idiosyncratic and disorganized collection of notes and thoughts on various topics. This is not a blog, because my esthetic sensibilities do not agree with blogs. Instead, it is more of a wiki-blog amalgamation — with none of the personalism of a blog, and none of the objectivity of a wiki either (basically, useless information).

You can peep at my thoughts on philosophy, if you wish. The page is organized in wiki-style, and covers my study of the 'greats' of the past, overviews topics of my interest, and contains some musings. I also have a page on mathematics which is really just a collection of my notes and solutions to various mathematics textbooks. Finally, there are my summaries and notes on various (non-mathematical and non-philosophical) books. Beyond that, there is nothing yet. I might do a section on music one day, in the same vein as the other two.

Who am I?

No-one interesting, so we'll just skip over this part. You may email me if you find any errors, have any suggestions, or just want to get into contact for whatever reason.