Ghassan Shahzad

μηδείς ἀγεωμέτρητος εἰσίτω μου τὴν στέγην.


This page contains my notes and exercises on various mathematics textbooks. In this regard, I’ve found the American Mathematical Society’s ‘Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library’ collection of books to be quite useful. Their books are short but dense, and targeted to a highschool-undergraduate audience.

My notes are ordered by topic. Most are complete LaTeX-generated PDFs, since web browsers are still not great for representing mathematical writings. Bolded works are complete, while incomplete works are indicated. Works with hyperlinks/pdfs that are neither bolded nor indicated as incomplete, you can take as the ones I’m currently working on.

  • Proof-writing
    • ‘Journey into Mathematics: An Introduction to Proofs’ by Joseph J. Rotman
  • Problem-solving
  • Combinatorics
  • Linear Algebra
  • Game Theory
    • ‘Game Theory and Strategy’ by Phillip D. Straffin
    • ‘The Mathematics of Games and Gambling’ by Edward Packel
  • Geometry
    • ‘The Geometry of Numbers’ by C. D. Olds, Anneli Lax, and Giuliana Davidoff
  • Number Theory
    • ‘Numbers: Rational and Irrational’ by Ivan Niven
    • ‘Invitation to Number Theory’ by Oystein Ore
  • Probability Theory